Website Tips for Group Practice – Make Sure Specialty Pages Allow For Multiple Modalities

There are some key differences between how you market a solo therapy practice versus how you market a group practice. When marketing as a solo practitioner, your specialty pages, and likely your entire website, is going to be steeped in your philosophy, approach, and modalities.
When you’re marketing a group practice, it’s important to market the variety of philosophies, approaches, and modalities that your group practice represents.

Pages With A Singular Modality Will Limit Your Growth

In order to really scale your group practice–or to scale a solo practice into a group practice–you have to market your entire practice. We talk a lot about the differences between marketing a solo vs. group practice in this post about featuring your practice and your team – not you. One of the key ways you can more effectively market a group practice is by leveraging your specialty pages. Let’s look at a real-world example.
Example of a Specialty Page that's written for an individual therapist.

One specialty of Southern Hills is couple’s therapy. By reading this page, we see they have a clear preference for working with couples using EFT. This is a legitimate and proven approach, but it’s not everyone’s approach. It’s just one of many.

Another clinician within the practice may prefer to work with couples using tools from the Gottman Method toolbox. This is another legitimate and proven approach to couple’s therapy. Many couples might even prefer it over EFT. Or maybe they’ve tried EFT, and it just isn’t working for them, so they’re ready to try a different approach.
Potential clients reading the couple’s therapy page above miss out on an opportunity to pursue other methods of treatment. Because as far as they know–as far as they’re being told–the only approach used at Southern Hills is EFT.

Creating Pages That Highlight Your Entire Group Practice

Instead of building a specialty page that focuses on EFT, it becomes very important to create a specialty page that encompasses multiple modalities. It needs to embrace the variability of your group practice and include information about the Gottman Method. Depending on the versatility of your practice, it might be a good idea to mention other approaches like Solution-Focused Therapy or IRT.
A specialty page that embraces and promotes a versatile group practice may look something like this:
Specialty Page example when a practice has multiple therapists.
Note how the copy focuses on the options available to the potential client. The beginning of the page is just like any other specialty page. It still speaks to specific pain points for couples—like lack of communication, loneliness, and feeling unheard by your partner. It still connects with a potential client by saying, “Hi, we see you, and we’re here to help.” The only difference is the broader scope.
Instead of highlighting a single philosophy, it shows off the diversity of the entire practice. The page even goes so far as to express, “Because it’s important to create a treatment plan fitting for each couple’s situation, we draw from a range of tried-and-true therapeutic methods.” The copy expresses that, yes, we see you, and we have more than one way we can help.
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