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Almost every therapist I’ve spoken to has the same concern, they want to know how to get more clients in their practice.

But they don’t know where to start. Marketing feels like building a rocket to the moon and designing a website feels like learning a lost language.

They don’t know where to start because no one has ever shown them where the starting line is.

Since 2007 I’ve helped therapists strategize to get their practice in front of the eyes of the people that matter, the potential clients who become clients. I’ve helped them grow so they can help the people that need it most.

Why would I do this? Because I was a therapist too.

I learned that what works isn’t networking events, or directories, or waiting for the clock to tick down in the hope that time is what it takes grow your practice.

I tried all those things and they’re all strategies for staying stuck.

Sign up for the CounselingWise Newsletter and get actionable advice to move you from “waiting’ to “making things happen”.

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