(Think demographics: relationship status, career, living situation, education level, gender, age range, etc.)
You can provide statistics or speak more generally (e.g. “every therapist can benefit from supervision” or “many schools across the country are in dire need of mental health consultations, but they don’t have the resources”). 1-3 statistics are typically enough to establish the facts. Please provide us with links to the reference sources.
(For example: lack of resources, don’t know where to start, lack of awareness around the problem, etc.)
(Walk your target audience through your services and how they work.)
(What would you say to a potential client if they were sitting in your office expressing this specific question/concern to ease their fear/concerns?)
(What would you say to a potential client if they were sitting in your office expressing this specific question/concern to ease their fear/concerns?)
(What would you say to a potential client if they were sitting in your office expressing this specific question/concern to ease their fear/concerns?)