“My Practice”/”My Team” Page – Therapist Bio Questionnaire "*" indicates required fields To receive a link for returning to a partially filled-out form, please click "SAVE & CONTINUE" at the bottom of the page, enter your email, and click "send link." Practice Name*Your Email* Therapist's Name (for whom this bio will be written):*For most of us, writing about ourselves is hard. So when filling out this questionnaire, just let it flow. Note: Team bios have a limit of 200-250 words to keep the whole "My Team" page at a manageable length. Please answer the questions in this form in your own words as much as possible. Clear and specific answers are best -- not necessarily long ones. 1. What is your education? What degrees do you have as related to your therapeutic services? (Spelled out and acronym, please.)*2. What should someone know about working with you? What’s your counseling philosophy, your approach to therapy, and your specialty/specialties?*3. What makes you unique? Why should people work with you?*Is there anything else you would like us to know that you weren't able to include anywhere else? YOU'VE DONE IT!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR ANSWERS! -- The CounselingWise Writing Team