If you are a therapist, counselor or coach you know a lot about your chosen profession and your particular area of expertise. But chances are you didn’t study Marketing, Computer Science or Business in grad school. And yet if you are in private practice you are running a business. The world wide web is here to stay, and you need to know how to use it to communicate to potential clients, or risk watching them go to your competition.
These 3 free therapy marketing videos will explain the basics of what you need to know to promote your private practice. You cannot afford to ignore this stuff!
Each video is about an hour long, so curl up in a chair, get out your notepad, soak it in, and save the next one for another day. If you press the little bracket icon on the bottom right of the video screen you can view these in full screen mode.
This second video goes into greater depth. By the end you will be two-thirds of the way through your journey of realization!
This third of the therapy marketing videos completes your crash course in how to successfully market your private practice. Implement these strategies and watch your business grow. If you have neither the time nor the inclination,
contact us and we will do it all for you!