(Think demographics: relationship status, career, living situation, education level, gender, age range, etc.)
(Is there a particular specialty we need to focus on in connection with your online services, or should we speak to the full range of services you offer?)
If there are specific reasons related to one of your specialties, please list those, as well (i.e. if social phobia is one of your specialties, online therapy can provide help they may otherwise be hesitant to get).
(List all that you can think of.)
You can provide facts/statistics or speak more generally (e.g. “we all lead busy lives”). 1-3 statistics are typically enough to establish the facts. Please provide us with links to the reference sources.
(Optional) Are there any stats or studies showing how effective online therapy can be?
(For example, tools you use in-office that won’t be available, concerns about privacy, etc.)
1) What system(s) do you use? Are they HIPAA compliant?
2) How do clients get started? Do they have a phone consultation? Do they join a waiting room then you invite them into the session?
3) What tools/systems will your clients need? Can they do this from their laptop or phone or tablet, etc.? Will they need an internet connection, microphone, and webcam?
4) What software features might your clients be interested in? (The ability to conference in more than one person for couples or group therapy? Billing features? Scheduling? Document sharing?)
5) Do you have any other advice for clients as they get started (eg find a quiet room, have the kids turn on a movie and only interrupt for emergencies, etc)?
(What would you say to a potential client if they were sitting in your office expressing this specific question/concern to ease their fear/concerns?)
(What would you say to a potential client if they were sitting in your office expressing this specific question/concern to ease their fear/concerns?)
(What would you say to a potential client if they were sitting in your office expressing this specific question/concern to ease their fear/concerns?)